Monday, June 30, 2008


oh GOD !!
i really need some refreshing ~
i dont like being at home
i hate thiss .!
damn so boring ..
i feel like :
no one wants to accompany me
everybody is busy with their duty
cant go anywhere coz of my damn foot
dont know wat to do
really need some refreshing
(not at home!)

huff .
hate this situation really ~
always at home without doing anything en without someone (friend) wants to accompany me !  :(


i'm home yesterday night ~
but i feel not so good  :'(

the ret2 was so great ^^
but i feel guilty en confused huff.

Friday, June 27, 2008

i'm leaving

cu soon Jakarta ~~
leaving for 3 days ^^
don't miss me .!

wish me luck for wat i'm doing there  :)
'We are The Champion !!'

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

busway trip ~

member:  icha. subi. pea. clive.
10.35am started our journey from BCA Klp Cengkir
'ngangkot' to ASMI
'ngeBusway' to Harmoni
changed de bus en went to Blok M
a little walked
en 'ngeTaxi' togetha to Tampur
walk around ..
look around ..
sight seeing with all those shoes ..
but we got nothing hahaha
out from Tampur
walk walk en walk again to Blok M
* a bit far i think *
we had Ayam Bakar 'Ganthari' for lunch
yummy en cheap .!
need a little walked again
'ngeBusway' to .... (err. damn i forgot de name!)
walked again to PS - Plaza Senayan -
went shopping for few mins
then 'ngeBucks' a.k.a 'ngeStarbucks'
a bit chit-chat with some photos
then we decided to back home
we walked to 'ngeBusway' again
next bus stop was ASMI
arrived en 'ngangkot' to come back home

here are some picts of us ~

perjalanan 3 bocah petualang ~


well for me ..
it was soo freaking FUN .!
feel so happy today ^^
1st time to go around Jakarta with busway
1st experience to go out with friends without our 'supir' or even cars
we need to find public transportation to get there hahaa
thanks for this beautiful time ^^
thanks to my mom cos finally u let me out with my friends just using the public transportation
i've been waiting for a long time to go without using cars hahaha
cos i really wanna found sumthing new in my life :P

thanks GOD all these experiences :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

en i'm crying finally ~

this song is really good for u, gabby ^^

Ku Ditangan-MU
Ku ditanganMu Ku dihatiMu
Di pikiranMu di rencanaMu
Tak pernah kusendiri
Ku ditanganMu ku dihatiMu
Di pikiranMu di rencanaMu
Tak pernah ditinggalkan


feel sad ~
feel badmood ~
feel really wanna cry ~

after i wrote all bout my probs
i got bad news from my mom
hucks :'(
ga tega dgr nya
oh gabby as my lovely little cousin,
i really wanna help u
but i dunno how
all i can do is just pray for u en ur family
i really want de best for u
not like this kind of situation

i'm so sorry ~
please GOD, help her and her family .!
really wanna cry to hear bout this ..
why this must be happened to u ?!
only GOD who knows de answer ^^

survive ~

hah .!
perjuangan blom brakhir
masih byk yg perlu dislesein
tp knp ini smwa musti terjadi sama gw ??
mgkn gw dah ngrasain ini dr kmrn2
tp br hari ini yg bnr2 gw rasain sgt m'ganggu

stress ?  iyaa
ga bs tdur nyenyak ?  iyaa
byk pikiran ?  iyaa

mau tdur thu kyanya susah bgt
bdn cape bgt, tp otak ttp jalan
ad aj yg lewat di otak gw
bqin gw ga bs tdur
knp sieh ??

slaen itu,
i feel like i have to survive alone
apa mxdna ??
buat ret2 kali ini, gw cm jd koor. acara
itu aja tgsna dah byk
tp gw ngrasa kalo gw mrangkap sbg ktua
coz ktua gw tenang2 aja
smwa org nunggu keputusan dr gw
knp musti nunggu gw sih ???
huh .!
cape ati rsa na ~

skrg gw masi mencoba bwad ngeyakinin diri gw
smwa ini dilakuin cm untuk TUHAN,
so do de BEST for HIM ^^
dan 1 lg ..
TUHAN ga akan ngasi pencobaan yg berat yg melebihi kmampuan qta
DIA akan ngasi sgala sesuatunya yg INDAH tepat pada waktunya  :)
thanks GOD coz masi mau ingetin icha bwad itu smg
smg icha bs trus semangat & ga ngeluh bwad smwa itu ^^

Monday, June 23, 2008

how ?

it just between me and him ..

bro en sist ?
yes we are ~
feel happy to know him ^^
but now, i started thinking twice
wat i want is 'menjaga sikap dan menjaga hati'
dont want to get over
dont want to hurt myself just cos of it

ingin jaga jarak, but ..
how ??

a day

enjoy a whole day only at home ?
almost never ~

but dunno why ..
today i could enjoy this whole day only at home
what did i do ?
- texting with beqh at midnight
- slept at 5.00am ++
- woke up at 1.10pm
- ate breakfast
- watched dvd
- online
- texting with beqh
- took a bath
- en so on ~

well ..
i enjoyed this whole day at home
hahaha feel bit confused why i still could do it finally ^^
thanks GOD .!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

GOD's answer

thanks GOD ..
Many Many thanks to GOD ..

thanks for being there with me
thanks for reminding me to control my emotion
thanks for answering my prayer
so many things i have to say thank you to GOD ^^


Saturday, June 21, 2008


aarrrggh ...!!
retreat is already near
only 5 days left
en we haven't done yet for de preparation

come on, Icha ~!
that's the answer ^^
GOD will help.. Don't worry .!

my prayer:
hope de prep. on tuesday till thursday will be done well ~
hope de retreat on friday till sunday will be done well too ~
let us do our best for this retreat ~
please.. hear my prayer, GOD ^^
thanks for everything  :)


Friday, June 20, 2008


sudahkah saya bersyukur setiap hari ?

that's really a big question for me
i guess gw blom spenuhnya bersyukur ~
why ?
yeaa ..
cos tyap ari gw cm bs mengeluh
mengeluh dgn apa adanya gw
mengeluh dgn makanan yg udah ada
mengeluh dgn keadaan gw skrg
mengeluh krn gw bosen di rmh

pdhl gw taw,
byk org yg butuh rumah sbg tmpt tinggal
byk org yg butuh mkan
byk org yg lebih ga sempurna dr gw
emank gw bersyukur dikasi..
kesempatan deket sama TUHAN
kesempatan untuk punya keluarga yg sayang ma Icha
kesempatan bisa kenal sama sahabat2 en tmn2 yg peduli & sayang ma Icha

tp apa yg gw lakuin skrg ?
apa ini disebut dgn namanya bersyukur ?

i'm sorry GOD  :(


oh damn my stomach
it really hurts me T.T


byk bgt tantangan en godaan yg ada
sulit bgt bwad ngilangin rsa pnasaran
ex. shisha, smoking, drinking, en partying ~
it's really damn hard to say no

de most tempting thing which really really hard to say no
it's smoking ~
oh thanks GOD,
YOU still save me not to do it ^^
tp ini bnr2 gmpank terlintas d pikiran
pgn nyoba
cos sgt mudah dilakukan
tinggal beli en isep
damn hard but i still dont wanna try it

please.. please.. please..
GOD, give me strength not to try it .!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

wats wrong with me ?

oh perutt ..
knp kao sungguh aneh .?!
blakangan ini perutku sungguh aneh huxx
sering banget ga napsu makan
pdhl harus makan
1 hal yg ditakuti, yaitu MAAG
bnr2 ga napsu mkn,
tp apa daya ...
saya harus makan huff
saia takut dengan MAAG
kalo udah MAAG, matilah saia ~
sakit booo .!

tp ada apa dengan perutkuu ??
oh perut ..

bandung ~

yipiie ^^
finally i went to bandung haha
member:  me. mom. lil' bro. sist. en big bro  ~

first day.

syalala woke up at 6 am
went to bandung at around 7.30 am
had breakfast in rumah ethnic
accompany my sist to UNPAR  (her university)
started our journey for shopping ~
i got boxer. shirt. en my lovely blue jacket   :D
then had some rest in our guest house  *setra sari*
sleep for 2-3 hours
after that had dinner in congo
back to guest house
had some chat
watched euro 2008
en slept hihi

second day.
i almost couldnt wake up haha
i washed my face en brushed my teeth only
then went for breakfast in cawit
went to my sist's kos
started to sleep
en i got some probs cos of my sist
it really changed my mood huff
she back to her kos after she took her subject at her university
then we went around bandung again
started shopping again :)
i got another pink shirt hihi
had dinner in bakut ahon
en we back to jakarta ^^

it took forever to come back to Jakarta hahaha
have fun really   :)
thanks for this nice trip ~

Monday, June 16, 2008

see ya .!

gonna leave Jakarta
on June 17th, 2008
at 07.00 am ++

cu soon ^^
be back on wednesday night ~
(still maybe if i'm not tired, i will be online haha.)

boring night

boring night with no one in msn called me
only gun, riri, and vina lately
really hate this feeling
i felt so lonely huf

but then i have a good solution for it
'August Rush' ~ that's the title
August Rush a.k.a Evan Taylor
the best musician kid i've ever seen
this is a musical story
i should have to give more than 4 thumbs up for this film .!
it damn so good
you who love love love music should watch it
i want to be like you, kid :)

well after i watched this
there's still no one talk to me from msn
it's kinda boring
wat do i feel is LONELY
feel like ..
no one wants to talk with me
no one can't understand what i feeling
no one care bout me
i feel alone ~
i just feel HIM who wants to accompany
thanks GOD for everything ;)

* it's not my fault if i'm gonna cry for this kinda situation *

my bad

bad day ?   not really ~
bad mood ?    i think so ~

it really changed my mood
sorry mom ..
maybe i made u fed up at me
but i really don't like u to be like that
i just want to have a window shopping
or just walking around enjoy our time in the mall
why u have to ask me where to go,
where we can found this,
where we can found that,
let's check it out there,
bla bla bla ~
sorry mom ..
i dont like it huff


happy to have this fams ^^
fams is everything for me
thanks GOD for them .!

June 14th, 2008
artha gading time ~
member:  dad . mom . big bro . sist . me . lil' bro
watched kungfu panda
ate in everfresh  (yummy.!)
played bowling
thanks for de time hihi

June 15th, 2008
fun day after the church ~
can't sleep really well
but then my lil' cousins with their fams came
hahaha good timing .!
started feel badmood but they came suddenly
LOVE y'all cousz ^^

i LOVE myFamilie  :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

kill myself

oh damn i really hate this .!
wanna kill myself ~
why i must have this feeling ?
i dont understand yet bout all of this

its like ..
everytime. everyday. everysecond.
i always remember of u
i always want to be with u
i always want to keep in contact with u
moreover when u leave en i cant get in contact with u
but why it must be like this ??
it makes me can't enjoy my day huff

oh GOD ~
help me to understand why i must have this feeling
help me to understand why it must be me

miss u beibh.  :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008


haha fun to have this blog ^^
thanks to Beqh who inspire me to make the blog ~

there's many reason why i love to have blog
not just having my blog, but read the others' blog

first, i can share my probs in this blog ~
when no one want to listen at me,
when no one accompany me when i have probs,
i still have this blog to share everything i wanna share
* even i have to think the good sentences to write haha. *

second, i can learn many things ~
learn from others' probs,
give 'em support,
practice my english  :)
that's the one i could thank to GOD
practice my english in writing and reading xP
even i dont have any english course for now,
but i still have this blog en others' blog to practice my english ^^


June 13th, 2008
23.00 pm ~ Italy vs Romania  :  1 - 1
well yea i watched it, but ..
i wasnt so into it so i just let it go
en i enjoyed my chatting hahaha.

June 14th, 2008
01.40 am ~ Netherland vs France  :  4 - 1
yeaa i watched this
have a chat with Evan 'Jawa'   :)
thanks for the chat ~
u woke me up to watch this game haha
nice chat bout de game lalala
nonbar bersama Jawa ^^
have some chats with him
en we agreed if Netherland was very very good at playing in this game !
not just him, i also chatted with my Norwegian friend
she loves soccer too hahaha ~
nice chats with both of u
wakes me up to watch this game xP

Friday, June 13, 2008


senank skalii punya tman2 yang pintar ^^
kalian memang teman2ku hihihi
bangga punya teman spti kalian  :)

ngiri ?
smwa org itu pasti bs ngiri
jujur aja laah ..
gw jg smpet ngiri koq sama kalian smwa yg pinter2
tp gw mikir lagi
ngapain jg gw ngiri, toh ga ad gunanya
en smwa org punya kelebihan masing2
bnar bukan ?! hehehe.

minder ?

yaps ~
dlu saia sempet minder juga
ga heran lah klu gw minder
itu krn gw mrasa diri gw BODOH di antara tman2ku yg PINTAR
well itu smwa msa lalu
skrg gw blajar bwad ga minder
ga ada gunanya koq minder
justru dgn kberadaan mrk di skeliling qta,
qta bs blajar byk
en jadi MOTIVASI qta bwad bs jadi kya mreka
itu bermanfaat bgt kalo qta bnr2 mau yakin kalo dgn adanya mreka, qta bs terMOTIVASI byar jd kya mrk ^^
* that's happened to me, so then i cud say like that *

so wahai teman2ku yg PINTAR,
thanks bwad kberadaan gw d skeliling gw hehehe
i'm PROUD to have friends like you .!

p.s. Selamat BEQH ! ^^

problems ~

hell yeaa
i got so many probs blakangan ini ~
not just my probs, tp ada jg probs org lain
tpi probs itu bnr2 dlm lingkungan idup gw
tyap ari adaa aj masalah yg dtg
hard to find de solution for me
maybe mom knows how solve it
but not for me xP

thanks to MOM .!
you such a perfect woman i've found in my life  :)
although i dont like u sometimes,
but i still feel that you are a perfect woman for me ^^

masalah gw aj ga slese2
tyap ari ada aj dah masalah dlm diri gw
tp yah itu ..
ditambah lah masalah2 dr luar dmn gw gtaw musti gmn ngadepinna

well ~
that's 1 of the reason why i dont want to go out from my lovely room
i LOVE myRoom
full of happiness .
full of peacefulness .
full of myThingiess . hahaha
altho sometimes it's kinda boring to be in this room everytime - everyday
but only in this room i can do everyting i wanna do
so i dont find new problems that can make me more stress  :p

p.s. agak ga nyambung dgn topik nie akhirna ~ maap yha hahaha.

final report

de judgement day is now ~
feel so happy cos i cud pass it
but feel sad to them who cudn't pass it
why they must be my friends ??
well .. hope u'll be better next year ^^

anyways ~
feel so so very happy  :)
when i came back home
i just gave my report to my mom
en i moved to my room without saying anything
after a short chatting
i decided to go to de toilet
en ...
guess wat my mom said on the way i go to de toilet .??

"Oh my daughter .. your report is very good ~
Let me kiss you.. come .!"

(but i dont want her to kiss me, so i ran away hahaha. sorry ~ i'm not that kind of girl hihi.)

oh DAMN it makes me feel so freakin' happy .!!
although i feel if it's not the best from me xP

I promise i will be better en better soon ^^
LOVE you, MOM .!

this feeling

hate this feeling .!
well sometimes i can feel happy to have this feeling
but in the oter side ..
i hate to have this ~

why i have to feel this feeling ?
it's killing me huff   :(
it really makes me feel not gud ~
huh .!

please GOD ..
let me enjoy my day without this bad feeling ~

Thursday, June 12, 2008

bad news ~

hmpf ~
this evening is very bad
why ??
lot of bad news came to me

dunno wat to say ~
all i can say is just..
"this is the best u've done ^^ thanks to GOD for everything ~"



hari ini hari kamis ~
hari kamis hari libur ~
hari libur di rumah terus ~
di rumah terus ga kluar kamar ~
ga kluar kamar ol trus ~
ol trus sampe bosen ~
sampe bosen gtaw mo ngaps ~

maav bagi para pembaca krn saia sdg bosan :P
hr ini emank bnr hr kamis
en hanya d kmr lah tmpatku berteduh
seharian d kamar syalala ~
ngapaen aj ?
byk ..
mkn. minum. bobo. chat. bqin video. smsan. bengonk. dengerin radio. nulis blog ini.
byk bukan ??

well well well ~~
bosan sih iya
mata jereng ngeliat laptop trus seharian jg iya
cape slonjor jg iya
pgn jln2 jg iya
tp apa boleh buat ..
hanya bs d kmr trus drpd d luar byk mslh berceceran xP

udah ah sgini aja hihihi
syalalala ~
syubidubidu ~
cucurucucud ~

* MAAV bagi para pembaca yang membaca posting ini ~ hahahahaa. *

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


borrow ideas from some other experiences ..

"it's harder for the girls to forget their relationship with their boys in a short time as compared to the boys"

someone just shared to me and said
1.a girl who was only 4 months in her relationship needs 2 years long to forget the boy (in the meaning of LOVE) ~
2.the other girl who was 2 years in her relationship needs 4 years long to forget the boy and to get another boyfriend ~ how about this girl who was more than 2 years in her relationship ?
how long does she need to forget their memories being together ?

i agree with that cause it's true and that's the FACT .!

* sorry, i can't help u for this kind of probs.. it's damn complicated!
i know it hurts u, but i really don't know wat to say en wat to do. i'm just a kid xP

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

mall to mall

syalala ~
walking walking together with my fams
who are they?
Icha . Yos (lil' bro) . Pty (sist) . Martin (big bro) . Mommy  ^^
dubidubidu ~


walking around this huge mall
by the time goes by..
Yos got an ADIDAS shoes haha
how lucky he is xP
KemChick is the next place to go
lalala shopping in expensive and cool supermarket
hungry hungry hungry .!
KIYADON - Japanese Resto
yey sushi ^^ yummy foods
so freakin' full hahaha
thanks mom.. thanks bro..

really dont know where to go in this mall
cool.. big.. nice..
DIVA as our 1st place to go
its jewelry shop
i got a ring and some earings :)
this is really Indonesian here
but not for the price, that's really really tourist's price hahaha
finally we go to FOOD LOuVER
the reason why we still wanna go to Grand Indonesia
1 word that can discribe this place: 'WOW!'
this foodcourt is freakin' COOL !!!!
never find any foodcourt like this
really wanna take a pict actually,
but noone want to accompany me hmpf
so we just go around that beautiful place :)
let's go there next time friends ~ hihihi.
don't forget to bring de camera :)

en it's time to go home
so tiring day but it's FUN.
thanks for this beautiful day, GOD ! ^^

spoeloeh dhuwa.

- Rama.Bayu.Daniel.Dea.Hun.Vina.Gby.Atenk.Seno.Icha.Beqh -
June 12th, 2007

- Gun.Bayu.Daniel.Icha.Dea.Beqh.Vina.Gby.Rama.Atenk -
June 9th, 2008

thanks for this beautiful time ^^
soo happy to know y'all .!
LOVE y'all.. hope our friendship will last forever..

thanks GOD for them  :)

Monday, June 9, 2008


start this day with sumthin stress
it's KN remed hmpf
i cud pass it, yey !
thanks GOD for this chance ^^

can't wait for de reunion after this :)
miss y'all so much ! mwah .!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


sorry GOD for today
i'm so sorry ..

sorry if today i'm  not going to YOUR beautiful house (church)
it doesnt mean if i dont wanna go
i really wanna go but ..
so many things i've been thinking for it

i'm so sorry GOD
i promise i'll keep contemplate en pray by myself at home
Bless me with YOUR glory .!
sorry GOD   :(


stupid .!
stupid .!
stupid .!
i'm too stupid to control myself
can't make a right decision for me en my body
i'm too egoist
so many things i should do, but i didnt do it just b'cos i dont wanna do it

stupid me .!

my prayer:
please GOD.. let me learn how to control myself  ~

Saturday, June 7, 2008

wrong decision

dats my fault.!
never think twice before i do it
never think wat will happen next
never think if it will hurts me or not
all wat i have did just by my mind

so many foods dat i may not eat
so many rules to keep myself healthy
so many things i have to take care of
time to eat ..
wat to eat ..
wat to drink ..

hmpf  its hard for me really
bukan cm krn gw ga bs nahan buat ga makan mknan yg ga bole gw makan
tp juga krn bonyok gw ga pernah ngelarank gw
mrk sangat ngebebasin gw buat makan ini en makan itu
so i need to control myself
control everything to keep myself fit
en its hard   :(

thanks GOD i still have friends who really care bout me ^^
but i'm sorry..
i'm too naughty for this kinda probs
y'all have remind me so many times
but i always do the same things
eat late ..
skip my lunch ..
mengurangi porsi makan ..
and after that, wat do i feel is MAAG.
dats my fault.!

i'm so sorry, GOD .!
i'm so sorry, guys .!

June 6th, 2008 ~

happy happy day ^^
time to go for walking2 to de  mall hahaha
mag was choosen as de mall where we went to
then go to charles en keith for tla's bday ^^
walking2 in a long time
lunch blaa blaa blaa..
en have a lot of convo there
so much fun !
played bowling..
eat ice cream..
sooo much fun !

dinner ?
dont worry
we ate sushiGROOVE. yummie ...! xP
hahaha damn crazy !!
cant believe if we ate only 3 people wekeke.

well back home then
wat a beautiful day today ..
i got bags from my dad ^^
he just came back from Bangkok-Thai
thanks daddy !
i love youuu ... :)

soo tired lah for todayy
but i really enjoyed it ..
thanks thanks for today !
LOVE my only GOD .!

Friday, June 6, 2008

why me ?

hmpf wat a day
5th June 2008 ~

1. masi peduli ?
well. hr ini sgt membosankan
gtaw knp, gw ngrasa dia cuek
gw bosen, ya udah
gw kesepian, ya udah
dia sibuk sndiri
hmpf gtaw deh
ap dy masi pduli kya dlu ?
gw taw ga tyap saat musti brg
tp etlis menghibur dqit or ap gt
tp gw brasa dy cuekk huf

2. bad news
why i must hear that bad news today ??
di saat gw lg bosan, stress, cape.
tiba2 muncul brita buruk
hmpf. really badd ><
all i can do just pray en believe in GOD if HE as a beautiful plan for u ^^
good luck for the rest !

from all above, why it must be me u should feel this way ??
knapa musti gw yg ngalamin smwa ini ??
please give the right answer for me, GOD ~

Thursday, June 5, 2008


thanks GOD for this chit-chat ^^
i got so much fun to have this short english chit-chat with daniel
finally i got someone to talk to
YOU've heard my prayer, GOD.
thanks for it
it really makes me feel better for today  :)

who cares ?

feel lonely
nobody talks to me
i just talk with myself
nothing to do
who cares bout me now ?

GOD is de answer of all ..

but i dont have someone to talk now
cry en cry
de only thing i can do in my room
what should i do then ?

need someone

hari yg bnr2 memBOSANkan
hari dmn gw bnr2 ngerasa kesepian
hari dmn gw bnr2 butuh seorang teman
tp gw ngrasa ga ad yg nemenin gw dsini
ga ad yg bs ngehibur gw hmpf

emosi ga kekontrol
pikiran ngawur
aer mata ngucur
cm bantal guling en tmn2na yg nemenin gw dsini
makes me feel badmood

let me feel that YOU are here accompany me .!

aaarrgh !!

gila !
bosan sangatt !
pgn jln2 !

aaaarrrgghh !!!
nothing to do here  T.T

school farewell ~

school farewell is near
it's only a year left to be in this school
can't imagine how will it be
cant imagine wat will happen to me
cant imagine how sad i will be
i do hate farewell
(but we have to pass that time)

[ gonna.MISS.myfriends.alot ]
~ especially myBESTIESS ~

hate farewell

why there must be a farewell ?
every meeting absolutely has a farewell

i do hate farewell.
i really dont want de farewell.
i always feel sad when i was thinking bout farewell.
i really damn hate farewell.

oh well..
dont know wat to do
en there's nothing to do
farewell will always there waiting for us.
eventho we hate it, we shud have to pass it.

cry ..
de only thing i could do
i always cry, cry, en cry if i start thinking bout farewell.

it's NOT GOODBYE. it's just GOODNIGHT.   ^^

you've got a friend.

When you're down in troubles
And you need some love and care
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon i will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you got to do is call
And I'll be there
Yes I will
You've got a friend

If the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud
Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend

When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
Oh, but don't you let them

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend

LOVE this song soo much. It means so deep ^^
remember i'll always here if u need someone to talk  :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


hidup memank sulit
byk tantangan yg harus dihadapin
byk masalah yg harus diselesaiin

gmn caranya ?
seringkali manusia cm mengandalkan kmampuannya sendiri
semua dihadapin dengan penuh emosi
emosi yang ga terkontrol
mereka selalu marah buat nyelesaiin masalah itu

Apa itu yang TUHAN mau ??
Apa itu yang TUHAN ajarkan pada kita ??

jawabannya BUKAN !
TUHAN mau kita nyelesaiin masalah bukan dengan emosi semata
DIA ngajarin kita untuk bersabar
Semua itu bisa kita lakuin kalo kita mau BERSERAH sama TUHAN

mgkn dari TUHAN sendiri, bukan penyelesaian masalah itu secara total
tp TUHAN memberi kita damai sejahtera
damai sejahtera yang bisa menenangkan hati dan pikiran kita
dari situ kita bs bpikir jernih buat nyelesaiin masalah

TUHAN memank HEBAD !
DIA taw segalanya tentang kita
DIA taw apa yg terbaik buat kita
DIA ga akan ninggalin kita gitu aja sbg anak-NYA
karena itu, BERSERAH mrupakan jln terbaik buat kehidupan kita dr skrg sampe slama-lamanya

Monday, June 2, 2008

proud to be me

taon ajaran ini bnr2 taon palink gila buat gw
taon dmn gw taw kehidupan luar yg sbenarnya
taon dmn gw bisa bner2 nakal di skola
taon dmn gw bisa brontak ma guru wpun ga parah
taon dmn gw blajar untuk bisa ngendaliin diri gw sendiri tnpa harus ditegor lagi sama bonyok
hal yg bnr2 gw rasain krn gw dikasi kebebasan dan kepercayaan
tapi gw ga bole ngecewain mrk dgn kelakuan gw

pengalaman d  3 smp  &  1 sma  ??
bisa dibilang buruk dlm hal plajaran
xoal rajin ap mls, ga usah ditanya
xoal nilai, apalagi
smwa bisa dibilang buruk kec. smest 2 kls 1 sma
remed uub min. 5 ul, max. 7 ul
itu ksalahan gw di masa lalu

di taon ini gw bnr2 ngrasain masa kjayaan
masa kjayaan dlm arti nilai2 gw mbaik
remed uub cm 2 di smes 1 & 1 biji di smest 2

THANKS GOD for giving me this chance ^^
u've remind to do de best for me :)
evetho i wasn't focus on studying in smest 2
but u still give this beautiful chance ;)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

kelas 2

ada apa dengan kls 2 ?

kls 2 itu jaman kita bnr2 ngerasain lika-liku kehidupan
2 SMP - 2 SMA
di saat itu kita blajar banyak hal
di saat itu kita dapet pengalaman2 baru

my 2nd grade in Junior High School ~
- ptama kali ngrasa gw dah gde (pdhl blm)
- ptama kali gw ngrasa bebas
- nangis di kls krn cincin ilang
- blajar jadi anak nakal di kls
- blajar buat jadi males

my 2nd grade in Senior High School ~
- ptama kali taw gmn rasana dunia mlm
- ngerasa bebas or free krn dah pegang ktp
- blajar buat pulang mlm
- dikasi kbebasan dan kepercayaan ma nyoki
- blajar buat ngatur diri sendiri & jadi mandiri
- nangis di kls krn desperate
- mulai brani buat cari mslh ma guru krn kebenaran yg gw pegank
- dapetin yang namanya SAHABAT
- awal blajar buat sate

yg udah disebutin itu cm sbagian dari pengalaman gw di kls 2
kls 2 bnr2 banyak pengalaman baru yg didapet
lika-liku kehidupan yg ga disangka2 sblomnya

thanks GOD for every experiences i've got ^^
Let me learn from my mistakes en my experiences.. so I can be better soon !


1 taon bersama. 1 taon menggila bersama. banyak bgt yg uda kita lalui bareng2. bner2 ga brasa banget waktu trus berlalu dgn sangat amat cepat. sebenernya dari awal, gw ga githu betah ad di kls ini. jujur aja, gw rada ga srek ma kls ini krn susah ngebaur. mgkin krn gw ada bandinganna dgn x2 yg lalu. tapi mnurut gw, kls ini jg ga nge-bete-in bgt koq. I STILL LOVE THIS CLASS !
banyak bgt pengalaman yg gw dpt. banyak jg pengalaman yg gw jalanin bareng kalian smwa. pengalaman pait, pengalaman mnarik, pengalaman menyenangkan, pengalaman menyedihkan, en pengalaman-pengalaman lain. semua gw dapetin cm brg2 kalian semua. seneng rasanya bisa kenal sama temen2 baru. blajar dr pengalaman kalian. semua udah gw alamin brg kalian.

ktawa ngakak.
ampir brantem ma guru.
nyanyi2 bareng.
nonton bareng.
bcanda bareng.
triak2an bareng.

en yg palink jd kenangan buat gw,
ke bandung bareng !
this was such de best time ever !! rame2 ke bdg. m'gila bersama. maen kartu bareng. naik angkot rame2. jalan jauh rame2. blanja2. naek travel bareng. nyanyi2 di travel. bljr bhs sunda. crita horor. lari sana-lari sini demi ngejar waktu. hahaha.
thanks for that fun time ^^

semua dah berlalu gtu aja. awalnya gw pengen cepet2 dapet kls baru. tp lama2 gw ttp kangen en sedi buat ninggalin kls ini. byk bgt yg udah tjd. byk bgt hal yg ga bisa dilupain gitu aja. kebersamaan qta akan selalu abadi slamanya..

miss all of you, guys !
thanks for every single things we've done together..
thanks for every single things that makes me very happy..
thanks for all ^^

balas dendam

1 mgg ulum sudah berlalu
itu adlh mgg penyiksaan !
1 mgg jd anak rumahan
ga up2date ama keadaan skitar
ditambah lagi jarak rumah ama skolah cm 100 km
ke sekolah jalan kaki
it means, gw bnr2 terASINGkan dr keadaan skitar

kegiatan sehari2 dlm 1 mgg (5 hr) itu:
bangun tidur kuterus mandi, tidak lupa makan trus gosok gigi.
ke skolah dgn otak penuh dgn beban.
di skolah blajar lagi sambil nunggu bel masuk ulum berbunyi.
saatnya penyiksaan di dlm ruang Q.
bel tiba2 berdering 2x, itu tndanya kita istirahat.
hahaha itu ga pantes bwad dibilang istirahat cos musti bljr bwat penyiksaan brikutnya.
bel 1x berdering lg, itu tnda masuk bwat ulum k2.
saatnya penyiksaan k2 di dlm ruang Q lg.
bel berdering 3x, tnda qta pulang.
walking2 with JESUS to come back home ...
sampe rmh makan siank, ol bntar, trus bobo.
bangun2 kuterus sate en siap2 buat blajar.
lalu dipotong mandi, makan, en nge-fax cat/ul dr tmen.
lanjut blajar sampe max. jem 2.00 am.
tidur mlm cm 4 jem trus bangun pagi lagi.
dst ...

inti: bangun - skolah - plg2 makan siang - bobo ciank- makan mlm - blajar - bobo mlm

wat did i miss for a week ??
- naek mobil
- ngeliat ramainya lalu lintas
- ngeliat lampu merah
- mrasakan macetnya jalanan

wat a stressful en boring week bukan ???
everyday do the same thing without thinkin bout wat has happened around me
hari sabtu akhirnya tibaaaa..
saatnya BALAS DENDAM !
happy day akhirnya gw mlihat keadaan skitar hahahahaha.
siang ke Bogor, plg dr Bogor menyempatkan diri dtg k bday Bayu di Hanamasa
" saia dtg loch Bay akhirna hehe. "
cm 1 jem trus plg deh ..
chatting puasss sampe jam 2 pagi dgn topik: LOVE
hr ptama buat BALAS DENDAM ! hahahaha.
ap yg slanjutna mo dilakukan buat BALAS DENDAM ???
let's see ... ^^


damn so boring hmpf.
nothing to do at home
feel so lonely
seems like i'm alone
cos everybody is busy with their work
in here are only my sist (in her room) en de maids

but ..
i do BELIEVE if i have GOD who is always here to be with me ^^
LOVE you, GOD !


prasaan penuh cinta
hati sangat berbunga-bunga
hidup penuh gairah
senang membayangkan wajahnya

tp skrg sapa yg bs gw pikirin ?

butuh seseorang buat ngisi kekosongan hati ^^
syapakah dia ??
*just wait*


love is love
hard to explain
but everybody needs love
dats all they need

i do need love
i want to love someone
en to be loved from someone