Thursday, July 31, 2008


pergi penuh beban ..
byk hal yg musti gw relakan demi pergi ke Bali
byk hal yg musti gw tinggalin demi pergi ke Bali
byk hal yg bakal gw lewatin gt aj slm 1mgg nanti
sangat bgng ~

2 feelings come from my heart,,
sad cos ..
1. gonna miss my school
2. gonna miss my frens
3. gonna miss vina's party on August 9th  ( sorry vina .. )
4. leave my frens at school  ( sorry beqh .. sorry na .. )
5. have to survive mengejar plajaran yg ktinggalan nanti

many many things i have to 'relakan' beside of i'm gonna have fun in Bali ~~
sorry guys :(

5 days to go ~

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

summer 2009

so many choices i have to think about ..
i'm still thinking bout my summer 2009

1. need to apply for univ.
2. school graduation
3. farewell with moi bestiess

no.1 is my first priority,, en so on.
it's hard for me to choose ..
* pergumulan yg berat *

wait en pray
for the best answer in the right time from GOD ~~

oh mai GOD

aku mulai bosan ~~
ap gw krg siang bangunnya ?
lalala ~

bgng mo ngaps  :(

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


what does it mean ?
in Indonesia,, it means 'kilas balik'

i'm one of them who likes to flashback something ..
for me it's fun !
what did i think for flashback ?
1. when i met someone for the 1st time
2. when we decided to be
3. how could be we are bestiess like now
4. what happened in few years ago
5. what did i do that makes me know them well now
6. what have i done with them in the past

etc ~

well it's me ..
i LOVE to flashback ^^
Thanks GOD for all YOU've given to me,,
Thanks GOD for how i am now !!

* bersyukur selalu bwat diriquw yg skrg ini dlm keadaan apapun  :)

Monday, July 28, 2008


When my heart beat up so fast, I feel
weird with it. I don't like this feeling, which is
like there's someone in my heart. who is he ?
He's the one who I hate! He's such a big liar!
It's you! A cool guy who always give all this
bullshit things.. You've hurted me many times. You've never thought 'bout my
happiness. A big smile comes from a special guy in my life
who broke my heart. Now, I've found another guy
who i LOVE more and more. The one who always
there for me, not like you. You left me alone without any contact. He
makes me feels so precious as a girl.. I know you do
wait to be my bf again. But it's hurt knowing that you lied to me like everyday. I don't believe you anymore if you say that you still
LOVE me.. I'll never
forget with all you've done to me. Although you've hurted me. I'll
stop loving you from now and forever!

Nathania Clarissa
- Icha -

Sunday, July 27, 2008

NKB 193


Aku hendak tetap berhati tulus
kar'na teman mempercayaiku.
Aku hendak tetap berjalan lurus,
kar'na teman t'lah mengasihiku;
kar'na teman t'lah mengasihiku.

Aku hendak teguh senantiasa,
walau besar tantangan dunia.
Aku hendak tetap tegah perkasa
kar'na 'ku tahu rintangan 'kan enyah;
kar'na 'ku tahu rintangan 'kan enyah.

Aku hendak tetap menjadi kawan
bagi yang hatinya penat, sendu.
Dan kasihku ingin t'rus 'ku bagikan,
serta imbalan tiada 'ku perlu;
serta imbalan tiada 'ku perlu.

Aku hendak rendah hati selalu,
kar'na 'ku tahu betapa 'ku lemah.
Aku hendak menolong sesamaku;
Allah Esa selalu 'ku sembah;
Allah Esa selalu 'ku sembah.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

need YOU by my side ..

please GOD,,
stay here to accompany me ..
i feel alone
i got much probs today
i need someone to talk
en i know
it's only YOU who always ready to hear everything

i don't know where are they actually
i was waiting for them
but they didn't come to me
feel no one wanna listen at me hmpf

i wanna share some of my probs today with YOU, GOD .!
give me strenght to face all of this
* i'm crying *


wats wrong with a word HANGOUT ??
wats wrong if i do love
do i must have a purpose to go for
is it wrong to go
HANGOUT just for some talks ??
is it wrong if the purpose of our
HANGOUT is just for walk around in the mall ??

i got problem with that word..
not me,, actually my fams with the word
HANGOUT with no purpose,,
HANGOUT just for fun,,
HANGOUT just for some talks with friends,,
etc ~~
but my fams don't like it
so they have like million questions to ask me
wat i have done when i was HANGOUT

translation :
gw suka jln2,, tp fams gw ga
jd intinya adlh kalo mrk kyana blm bs trima klo anaknya suka jln2
tyap kali gw mo pegi brg tmn, pasti ad pertanyaan ngapain
giliran gw jwb cm ngumpul2 en jln2,,
pasti ad balesan 'ya ampuunn..ngapain coba??'
heii !!
apa salahnya sih gw jln2 bgithu ??
byk koq yg bs gw lakuin
drpd gw hrus bosen di hums membeku ato bahkan meleleh sendirian d kamar
hmpf .. 


drmn sihh org bs dinilai klo dia udah dewasa ??
sejak kpn jg mrk bs dikasi kebebasan ??

gw ngrasa,, bonyok gw sgt telat menilai kdewasaan dlm diri gw
yaps dat really right that i have a baby face
tp apa kepribadian gw jg se-baby muka gw ??
am i not mature yet ??

just a simple example,, it's bout my sist  ~~
(bkn mxd gw ngebandingin, tp inilah kenyataannya)
6 SD - my sist was allowed to go to de mall with some friends, and i wasn't
sikon: smwa tmn2 gw dah byk bgt yg sering jln2 k mol sdangkan gw blom prnh k mol brg tmn2
1 SMP - mrk br ngebolehin gw jln k mol brg tmn and itu pun berawal dr mkn2 bday tmn

skrg di saat gw dah 17 taon ++
br deh smwa dibolehin ma mrk
hampir smwa kebebasan gw rasakan ~
br gw mrasakan indahnya keadaan di luar sana

but wat had happened tonight ??
wats wrong with my parents ??
weird things happened to me ..
dl jam11 gw br dicariin, tp skrg jem11 dah harus d hums
ada apa sihh ??
ini itu ga bole,, ini itu byk alesan,, de el el
hate it .!
hmpf  :(

so,, am i not mature yet ???

Thursday, July 24, 2008

cerita cinta

aku hanyalah seorang icha
hidup di tengah keramaian jakarta
penuh dgn lika liku kehidupan
gejolak cinta ada dimana2

Wpun hanya dalam lingkup klp gading
aku pun sudah hidup di tgh gejolak cinta yang mrajalela
hidup di tgh mereka yg sdg jatuh cinta
penuh dengan cerita
penuh dengan perjuangan
banyak pertimbangan
banyak pula petuah2 penting untuk mereka

aku hanyalah icha yang masih jomblo
namun hidup d tgh mereka yg sedang jatuh cinta
terkadang aku hanya dapat diam
mendengarkan apa yg ingin mereka ceriterakan
terkadang aku juga butuh banyak berkomentar untuk mereka
memberi masukan2 / saran2 yg terbaik untuk mereka

hidup memang sulid
apalagi aku yg masih jomblo,,
hidup di tgh mereka yg sedang jatuh cinta
tidak mrasa direpotkan
tp aku justru merasa senang bisa membantu mereka

think twice before u do ~

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

school school school

sapa bilang skola itu membosankan ?
sapa bilang skola itu ga enak ?
ngmgin plajaran emank skola ga enak en membosankan haha

but,, hr ini saia sedang senank skalii dgn skola  ^^
had soo much fun at school today
not just in the break time,,
but also in my lovely crazy class ~~
seruu .!!
kami menggila bersama,,
tertawa bersama,,
terbahak-bahak bersama jg..
gila asikk nya taon ini ~

mulai dr jp k3 - Inggris
qta kumpul klompok bwad ngmgin topik drama
krn memank Yoyo gilaa,, dy beride drama Hiroshima & Nagasaki
wakaka dodol skalii lo, yo !
akhirna qta ga jd dehh en ad lah yg akhirna jd drama qta ntar  xP
pas jp brikutnya,,
saia dan kawan2 mulai menggila dgn bcandaan qta hahaha
berakhir pd jp k9 - Sosiologi
qta sbnrnya dsuru ngmgin topik pmbahasan kir sos
but beside that,, qta jg buka RS. Cinta wekeke
seorang Aldo b'curhat2 ria dgn qta para wanita yg sbg dokter cinta bwad Aldo hihi
lucu skali kao, do !
ayo smangad2 bwad Aldo,, don't be shy donns ~~
plg skola dilanjutkan bcandaan sampe smwa plg wehehe

well that's it ..
it's FUN for today ~!!

come back home without no one in this house,,
just my maids were at home  :(

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

sometimes it's fun being alone..

i took a bath which just took a few mins for it
en so many things came up on my mind
think de positive way of my life
i thank to GOD for what i've got,, what i've felt,, en everything ~

what were in my mind ?

- XIIsos1,, my crazy class with the crazy students  ^^
* kls yg gw impikan dgn keasikan en kekompakannya en ini smwa terwujud taon ini *
- bestiess,, best best bestiess of mine with our shorthair en every plans we've been thinking about  ^^
- x2,, fun time being together with them till now  ^^
- many plans for the future with them all  ^^
- good friends of mine
- many many moree ...

everything isn't gonna be happened without HIM
thanks GOD for every great plans  YOU've given for me,,
i know that's the best for me  ;)

i  *heart*  GOD


still waiting.. 
2 weeks to go with fams
10 months to go with my bestiess

it's gonna be fun .!

good day

nothing weird happened today
today is today ~~
today is just a simple day at school

happy happy feels happy
dunno why hahaha
maybe cos i was together with them in the break time
we laughed together,,
we were gossiping,,
we shared something..
not just in the break time
but also after school in the lobby  ^^

good day for today  :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

WOW .!

for me,, it's a simple 'WOW' .!
hahaha ~~
check it out here ..

bangun di pagi yg cerah
en m'haruskan gw bwad jd segar krn saia harus menyetir
hmm ..
bit worried b4 but it's ok lahh
jalanan sepi,, jd saia bs ngebut en lewat bunderan hihi
07.50am nyampe d grj yg cm ad Hizqia
wait for others,, beres2 bwad kbaktian,, nyiapin ini itu,,
baru deh latian jam 08.15am abis Nina dtg
yg laen br dtg jem 08.40am   :(
dont do it again next time yha .!
* need ur commitment *

08.55am -- oh GOD ! tidaakk.
ruang kbaktian rmj bnr2 kosong lohh blom ad jemaat
awalnya takut skali sepi huhu
tapiiii .. tyt tdak bgithu  xP
pas udah kebaktian,, ruang kbaktian penuh
thanks GOD for it   ;)

so for me,, it's a simple 'WOW' ~
but means a lot  ^^

Saturday, July 19, 2008


awali hari qta dengan tersenyum  ^^
obad palink ampuh di saat qta bosen byar ga jd boxen ~~



morning call at 10.30 am
get ready for de course  ^^
back home with nothing to do
whole day just at home
went to school just for 5 mins
stayed at home
did my homeworks ~~
mom asked me to go to de mall
yeheii  :)
move around just for a few mins
en back home ~

my prayer for tomos :
lead me when i'm driving for de way to de church  ^^

chum. buddy. bestiess.

btapa senenknya gw skrg krn gw bs dpt in 2 org sahabat
org2 yg mengenal gw en mau nrima gw apa adanya
mrk yg mau ingetin gw bwad sgl sesuatunya yg tbaik bwad gw
thanks GOD for them ^^

why do i look so weirdo with all this happiness ??
yapp ~~
gw skrg sgt amad bersyukur en thx GOD bgt bs punya sahabat
mgkn krn gw sangat out.going bgt,, gmpank gaul ma org,, en cepet knal org dgn berbagai situasi
mkana gw susah dpt sahabat
lohh . apa hub nya ??
hub nya ituu ya krn gw terlalu gmpank knal org
jd gw ga smpet dqet ma dy,
trus gw pinda haluan ke tmn yg laen
bnr2 kebiasaan buruk gw ithuw
akibat terfatal dr smwa itu bs jadi gw ngelupain tmn ndiri
dhu amid2 ga dehh .!
yahh pkoke bgithu lahh hehe

now i thank to GOD really deep for them in my life
thanks lohh dah maw jd sahabat2 terbaik icha ;)

y'all are GOD's special GIFT for me hihi ^^
2 best chums./ buddies./ bestiess. ~~

Friday, July 18, 2008

lgy pengen bgt

ngobs. chit-chat. ngoceh. bcandaan. curhat.
butuh tmn bwad itu smwa  ^^

with GOD, ALL things are POSSIBLE.

many times i've been thinking if i could share probs with my sist
many times i've tried to share with her
first i think it's IMPOSSIBLE
cos she really doesn't care bout me
but i try,, try,, en try again ~
wat de result is ..
i can share probs with her finally
although i just can share with her via chat or via sms
but it's better than i have to meet her  ^^

today, i shared something to her via sms
that's de way i found something that showed if she's my real sister
some good advices for me
some words makes me melted
some words dat really admonish me
it's not complete without GOD's answer ~~
i did my sate en i got de answer finally
i guess this is de right time for the answer from HIM
after de long long time ago (like 3 weeks ago) i didn't get any solution

thanks GOD for this chance
finally i can share something with her
when i need some comments en advices with all my probs  :)

once again,,
with GOD, ALL things are POSSIBLE.

thanks GOD for them ..
-  SISTER. BEQH. en KAT  -
LOVE y'all   ^^x

Thursday, July 17, 2008

fun day

yeaa ..
its fun today  ^^

woke up late
en ALMOST late for my morning punishment (apel) with Jude en Syerin
nice, huh ?!
they talked bout gossip gurl bout the '_E_'  hahahaha
wait till de bell rang
then we started our kerja bakti
not so busy haha
everybody helped others ~~
so i was helped xP

had some rest en moved to science 2 class
some till de time we need to go to the hall
we shud have to watch the 1st grade talent show
only 2 classes were great en creative of all
- x2 en x7 -
we just had our good at the back
made some jokes with the boys
some talks with kty
share the candiess
nothing to do ~ very bored ~ sleepy

it was so FUN cos of I had very very nice with everybody for the whole day at school  ^^

Monday, July 14, 2008


oh kaki  ~~
knp bgkaknya makin gde lgy yahh ??
afraid of it
but rama said if it's okei  ^^
* eventho it's a bit hurt *

gw ga boleh jln byk2 .
butuh byk ist en ngirit jln huhu  :(
blm ngrasa yakin ap gw bs lakuin ap ga
scr gw orgna ga bs diem huff


i got it this evening  ~~
so many topics to talk
eventho i just chatted with some people
not so many haha
but i had that fun  ^^

day 1

first day being at school
so far so good ~~
good friend. good classmate. good walikelas.
its fun en so happy to meet my friends again ^^
damn i miss them so much  =3
my comment for this 1st day:
i'm so SLEEPY .!!

wat will happen toms ??

Sunday, July 13, 2008

why ?

hmpf ..
i've tried so hard to get this feeling
the way to make me feels happy w/o hinge on them
yeaa i got this feeling finally

but why ?
why must this happen ?
when i feel happy with all of this, there's like someone who needs me
wat do i have to do next ??

it's better to stay aware of someone when they need help ~
ttp tegar en mencoba bwad idup ga bergantung ma org laen ^^


school oh school ~~
school's coming en waiting for us hahaha

so lazy to study again
i'm not ready yet  xP
but i'm ready to meet my frens  ^^
miss them all   =3

can i go to school only just for meet my frens w/o studying ???
*that's impossible.hahahaa*

Thursday, July 10, 2008


pengalaman bqin SIM ptama kalii
join with ulisa ~

woke up early at 5.30 am
go to ulisa at 6.15 am
then met my friends
let's go to MALBES POLRI METROPOLITAN (SIM) - Daan Mogot
awalnya gw qra bakal ad org ulisa yg bantuin qta etlist jd guide qta
tp tyt tidak boo
perjuangan dimulai ...
msk ke dlm dgn ngikutin org2
masuk tes teori dgn komputer canggih
(walopun ngantri agak lama sehh)
gw dinyatakan lulus .!
bner 20 - sala 10 hahahaha
then we have to wait till de time
like couple of mins, we move to de place for driving test
tes praktek .. jeng3 ..
butuh wkt lama bwad penjelasan en ganti2 pserta ujian praktek ma boilnya
akhirna qta dpt boil bwad test
member: hans. fenny. lina. icha. tla. hilman. Qhie. fanny. Qhie's fren
yg nyetir itu Hans (tumbal ptama)
bis dy nyetir, yg duduk blkg (hilman. Qhie. fanny. Qhie's fren) disuruh kluar boil
tyt tdi itu cm perwakilan dr co
en then qta yg di tgh disuru nyetir lg bwad perwakilan dr ce
perwakilannya itu icha alias gw (tumbal kedua)
oh GOD !
parah eui boil nya berad bgt
kijang kuno yg qta sebut STEERING by POWER
bukan power steering  :(
finally i'm done with it
lalu qta menunggu lagi sampe dipanggil  namanya
dan mayan lama lahh ~~
i'm de first name to be called that time
after i got the paper, i moved to the next room
next room for take a photo of mine
abis foto, we have to wait for the card ^^
yeaa after de long journey, finally i got the card en done
wat i have to do next is waiting for the others ..
bis mnunggu lamaaaa
akhirnya smwa kelar deh wpun ad dqit mslh dgn fenny
yeaaa we were done in dat building ~

ga cuma sgithu loch pjuangan qta
qta pun bgng mau plg naek ap
akhirna qta putusin bwad telp blue bird
yg fyi kampret krn ga nyampe2 wekeke
akhirna qta batalin stlh nunggu 1jem lebihh
en qta mutusin bwad jln k jln raya
en then lgsg aj gtu gw en tmn2 dpt 2 taxi
knp ga dr td coba ?!?!
grr.. no probs deh, pengalaman hahaha

tired ?
yeaa i'm SO TIRED !!!!!!
sampe hums, ga bs bkata2 byk
gw tujuan mo tdur 10 mnt tp gagal
jadinya 3 jem wekeke
jdi 2 les gw btalin
pdhl les ulisa lg sepi  :(
i'm sorry i couldn't woke up en i didn't get my body fit enough to drive xP
i'll pay it in de next day hihi  :)

yey i got my SIM !!!!
thanks for all  ~~
de photo is sucks   T.T

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


today was my 2nd trial of my driving with my own car haha
3 times i drove my car with my mom ^^
thanks for ur permit to drive, mom ~~

well its not as easy as i thought
but dats right if matic is easier than manual haha
i love matic ^^

many many thanks for ur permit ~
hope i'll be better to drive the car   :p

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


wats good to be a lil' sister ?
for me, it's the  PERMIT

why ?
cos there are so many things allowed for me now
i mean i'm younger to get the permit than my sister when she got her permit
it's kinda fun for me
i got permit to get this,
i got permit to get that ..
i got permit to have this,
en i got permit to have that ..
doesn't it sound fun ??

for example like
i got my 1st mobile phone when i was in 7th grade,
but my sister got her 1st mobile phone when she was in 10th grade ..
then ~
i got permit to drive the car after i got my driving licence en i don't have to wait after i finish my driving lessons,
but my sister got the permit to drive the car just like couple months after she got her driving licence ..

well yeaa
feel like my mom trust me more than trust my sister ^^
thanks mom .!
thanks dad .!
thanks GOD .!

Monday, July 7, 2008

sister ?

are u really my sister ??
dont like to have sist like u 
blagu. norak. sok bae. gtaw diri.
ga bs bgt gw ktemu ma lo

lg di bdg, boleh lah lu bae2in gw
boleh lah lu ngajak gw jln pas di jkt
boleh lah lu minta gw nemenin lu
boleh lah lu minta tolong ma gw

tp kalo lg di jkt, apa hasil nya ???
bnran bae ama gw ?
pernah kita jadi jln kalo ga terpaksa en klu lu ga pacaran ?
pernah lu minta ditemenin ma gw ?
pernah lu nyuruh gw bae2 kya selayakna lu di bdg ?
pernah jg lu ga ngatain gw ?

de asnwer for all is NO !!

hmpf  ~~
please GOD, i really need siblings' love
gw butuh sosok seorang kakak yg emank bs gw anggep dy emank sbg kakak

bukan gni caranya.
mnurut gw, dy ga pantes bwad gw sebut seorang kk
apa seorg kakak tugasna ngatain dd nya ??
apa seorg kakak tugasna nabok dd nya ??
gw rasa ini bukan suatu masalah yg harus dislesaikan dgn cara nabok gw.

dats wat i got today  :'(
i'm sorry sist, i'm not a bitch just like wat u've said to me .!


day 4 with ulisa

i'm so not lucky this day
i got Kijang haha
but it's okei laahh ~
not so bad to drive dat car
just had a bad instructor  :(
he brought me driving till Rawamangun.

before went to ulisa,
i drove my car out from the garage
en i did it !

from the ulisa,
i drove my car from school to my house
also drove it in to the garage
en i did it again !

mom said its gonna be okei for me to drive if i have my driving licence already
just wait till this thursday, 10th of July haha
i'll get my driving licence ^^

thanks GOD for this chance  :)

summer holiday 2008

5 weeks summer holiday in 2008 ~
where did i go ?
what did i do for this holiday ?

the answer is I didn't go anywhere for this summer holiday
just stay at home
enjoy the loneliness
keep chatting
en just hear the radio everyday

week 1
had my last remedial on monday
had a reunion with x2
en stay at home
waiting for the final report ~

week 2

home sweet home
full of chatting
full of listening to the radio
went to the mal with beqh en kty
en prepared for the camp
in the end of the week (friday)

week 3

busy everyday for the retreat
so excited to go
2 days at the church
keep myself busy with it
en finally the time was come
" We are The Champions ! "

week 4
just chatting
listened to the radio
slept en ate
its so damn boring in that week
nobody was home
they all were on holiday
so no one couldn't go to the mall accompany me
on wednesday,
i wanna made myself busy
so i started my driving lesson ~

week 5
the last week of this summer holiday
still made myself busy with the driving lesson everyday
en have some plans to go de cinema ^^
get myself ready for school actually
damn so lazy ~~

so de conclusion:
i didnt have any plan for this 5 weeks..

en how about BALI ??
yes it is !
that's my summer holiday plan in 2008 ~
it will be on august ~
yey ! can't wait for it  :)

BALI  i'm coming  .!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


it's my target for soon ~

1. cure my foot
2. stop eating snack
3. do treadmille

en my final target is..
go to BALI .! ^^

still waiting for de time ~~

Saturday, July 5, 2008

teman OR sahabat

apalah arti seorang sahabat kalo tidak bermula dr kata teman ??

wat i think is ..
sblm qta jd sahabat, pasti qta berawal dr temen
seberapa pentingna mreka dlm hidup kita ?

mnurut gw, teman ataupun sahabat itu sangatt penting
why ?
teman ~
org yg nemenin lu slaen kluarga di luar rmh
org yg bs haha-hihi bareng ma lu
org yg blm tentu nantinya bakal jadi sahabat lu
org yg care ma lu
yahh itu singkatna ajahh ..

then wats de different with 'sahabat' ?
sahabat ~
org yg bs ngertiin qta lebih drpd temen
org yg mo trima qta apa adanya
org yg care ma qta
org yg dlunya adlh temen qta
org yg slalu ada buat qta
org yg mau dgr in isi hati qta kapan aja
en masih byk dehh ..

teman atopun sahabat,
so dont ever hurt ur bestiess' heart en make them angry if u dont wanna let them go en leave u ~

Thanks for being my BESTIESS ..
hope this friendship will last forever  ~~

p.s. cik.acik aku dah dpt a pair of bikini   :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

DJ Tiesto - Power Mix

oh Damn  I LOVE IT  !!
COOL  mix 'n match  ~~

unique videoss

DJ  -  Disc Jockey

DJ Sara (5 years old)  en  DJ Ryusei (3 years old)
at Warner Music Group Grammy Party 2008

DJ Sara (5 years old)  en  DJ Ryusei (3 years old)
a bit closer with other song..


beatboxing puppets  ~

beatboxing flute ~
" Super Mario Bross " theme song

beatboxing flute ~
" Sesame Street " theme song

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

driving with ulisa

driving  ~~
easy or not ??
there are 2 choices:
manual or matic ??

matic -
it's not as hard as i thought before
just say it's easy

manual -

its hard hahaha
maybe cuz it's my 1st time to drive manual
it was horrible xP

p.s. hr ptama bersama ulisa ..
yaris biru yg dmn koplingna keras dan saia sama skali ga ngerti pake kopling. berhubung byasa latian pake matic huahahaha
hal memalukan: ngeREM mendadak. boil MATI 4x.
ampir NABRAK boil nyebrang.

wakaka 1st bad experience.. smg lebih baik di latian brikutna ~
maav pak .!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

retreat day 3

29.06.08  ~ last day.

oh damn !
i woke up late cos last nyt i slept late too huuxx.
actually the time b4 we have our breakfast was at 05.30 - 07.00 am
but then i woke up at 06.47 am ~~
hahaha thats really late.. need to 'sate' en changed our clothes
then had a fast breakfast with telor balado .
08.15 - Ibadah minggu
              Tema :  " Ini Aku, Utuslah Aku ! "
mantebb bgt .! kreatif kak .. hehehe Unik skalii kbaktian spti ini  xP
09.00 - preparation for Outbond ..
10.00 - ready to go for outbond ...  ~!!
siap2 di pos masing2. jln pelan2 dgn sikon gw jln pincang wekeke ~
ngobrol2 dlu ma ayu di pos 2 tmpt qta jaga
its fun  :)
bis smwa klmpok slese d pos, gw en ayu lgsg jln k pos 3 en k pos 4
damn it was sooo FUN .!
we'll do it again next time yhaaa  ^^
15.00 - was soo late to end this outbond ..
then we have dinner, packing, en bagi knang2an serta hadiah bwad sang pemenang ~
16.30 - time to leave the wisma en walked to the bus
17.00 - bus berjalan dr sukabumi ..
bye bye sukabumi ~~

kesan pesan :
saia senang skali ikut retreat kali ini ~
byk hal yg gw dpt. byk plajaran2 baru. diingetin bwad tugas qta sbg anak ALLAH. blajar mengenal diri kita sendiri. dan masih byk lagii dah ~
wpun sibuk wira-wiri sana sini.. ngurus sana sini.. tdur pagii..
tp gw sangat senank bs ada di retreat ini en jd bagian di dlm kepanitiaan ~
thanks GOD for this beautiful en precious moment  ^^

~~ RETREAT KOREM KECE . 27-29 JUNI 2008 .
WISMA PANGESTU, Cicurug - Sukabumi ~~

retreat day 2


06.00 - time to wake up en do our own 'sate'
07.00 - let's have our breakfast : bubur manado ^^
08.00 - session 2
               Tema :  " We are FAMILY "
10.15 - snack      *hate it~ i dont like banana :( *
10.30 - session 3
               Tema :  " We are GOD's ARMY "
12.00 - yey it's lunch time .!
13.30 - workshop ~
what did we do for workshop ?
we prepared for our talent show. klompok dibagi2 sesuai talenta yg dimiliki ^^
mine is PEOPLE SMART  :p
14.30 - istirahat en mandi
16.30 - snack    *banana again ~  :(  *
17.00 - session 4 ~ KKR
              Tema :  " I am The WINNER ! "
19.00 - dinner timee ~!!
20.00 - it's our time to show our talent..
22.30 - time to sleepp
but as usual not for de staffs.. we need more time for breafing, so we slept like at 2am ~
then tomorrow morning, we all woke up late hahahaha ~

(+)an ~~
hari kedua .. hr menyenangkan, penuh kbahagiaan, kebersamaan, tawa canda, dan byk laah .
penderitaan pun gw jg dapet wekeke.
sbelom KKR, terjadi suatu tragedii.. abis ganti spatu, saia lari krn dah ditunggu en tiba2 saja keseleo huff
stelah lewat KKR en mkn mlm, baru taw kalo akibatna adalah BENGKAK .!!
OMG !!  butuh di kompress pake es batu, tp ternyata ga ada huaahh ysuw deh akhirna pake balpirik nya Tya
agak telat dikasi obat jd tyap ari makin gde aj thu bengkak huff ~
yah itulah hari ini .. byk pengalaman en kebahagiaan ^^

retreat day 1


tim pagi:  k'adi. k'mar. icha. arum. jessi. hans KC.
ga pake basa basi, smwa naek boil dgn penuh barang2 ret2 dan tacuu
satu stenga jam is enough bwad nyampe ke wisma
angkat2 barang en persiapan barang2 di sana
abis berleha2 bentar, mkn siank, en persiapan barang2
tiba2 terdengar suara anak2 yg naek bus dateng
huaahh dtg ga sesuai jadwal, mrk dtg lebih cepet dr perkiraan
hahahaa berhub ga macet xP
stelah a lil' bit breafing, gw lgsg istirahat tidur
ada yg maen, tp ad  jg yg tidur, en ad jg yg ngobrol or maen kartu huehue

16.30 - dats de time for snack dgn udah mandi
17.00 - Ibadah pembuka
              Tema:  " FRAGILE "
              Ayat :   2 Korintus 3: 18

nice khotbah en ilustrasi ~
18.00 - mkn malem yg uenak hahaha
19.00 - let's get ready for de 1st session
              Tema:  " We are UNIQUE "
di sesi ini, qta dibagiin lembaran tes karunia en tes talenta
21.00 - games perkenalan
21.30 - renungan malam en sharing ~
22.00 - time to sleep for others ..
but not for de staffs, we need to breafing till like 1am hmpf
*tiring day*

siapa mereka ??

ret2 was over
byk cerita yg gw pgn critain
butuh org bwad dgr crita gw
dan itu adlh mrk

tp dmn mrk ?
gw ga menemukan mrk siap bwad dgr crita gw
gw cm menemukan mrk yg sibuk
yea i know ~
gw harus maklum cos smwa punya kesibukan masing2 ..

sedih ?   pasti.
org yg gw harap bs dgr crita2 en pengalaman gw
ternyata mrk lgy sibuk
ga bs dgr crita2 gw

okay no probs lahh
mgkn next tym gw akan crita2 ttg pengalaman ret2 gw yg harusnya membahagiakan bwad gw,
tapi KALO gw masi inget smwa crita2 ini ~
huh  :(