Monday, January 14, 2008

new life new habit

life is complicated
it will always change
it was me but it's not me
me in the past isn't as the same as me now

me in the past ..
like shopping ? NO
like using dresses ? NO
like fashion ? NO
like partying ? NO
like to hangout till morns ? NO
like eating ? YES
boyish ? YES

me now ..
like shopping ? YESS
like using dresses ? YESS
like fashion ? YESS
like partying ? YESS
like to hangout till morns ? YESS
like eating ? NO more
-i'm on diet n try to be thin-
boyish ? NO more
-try to be more girly-

it's life
always change as the time goes by
it changes our life
new life new habit


msInbetween said...

everybody's changing cha :P
gud dhe kalo temen gwe jadi ce haha wekeke

Ichitaa said...

hoho iy se
tpi ad habit yg sgt mrugikan wkwk

ms. saphira said...

new year new resolution n wonder changes happens...