Friday, August 22, 2008

smile in me

boring morning
sleepy day
no spirit at all

it happened to me since in the morning till the 6th lesson that i got today
everybody were in the seminar en dunno with who for my 1st break
well okai,, i was with vonny ribka dkk
back to the class en i got so damn sleepy
yeaa a bit with Dian en Tommy
but sleepy again after that
i thought they all gonna be in the seminar en didn't have any break till the end of it
so i decided to take my 2nd break with Na dkk
but suddenly they came from downstairs
yey ! finally they back en i could eat with 'em in the 2nd break
bell rang en back to the class again
i thought i was gonna be fall asleep again just like before
but it wasn't at all hahahaa
we had so much fun in the back with Vonny,, Pete,, en Na
we laughed a lot,, shaked my stomach,, en cry cos of that laughed hahahaha
we were so damn crazy at that time
bell rang means the school was end
i didn't wait for beqh cos she was still in the seminar
so i decided to come back home earlier
but in the lobby i met Gun en Aswin so we came back home together
so much,, laughs,, en many more

thanks for this afternoon ~
hope i'll enjoy this day till tonight  ^^
Thanks GOD !

1 comment:

Ree2 said...

nama gw kesebut...
asik asik...