Sunday, March 8, 2009

PreCamp 1

date is 7th-8th of March 2009
place is in Wisma Anugrah
participants are delegations, ex-delegations, en many more

start from Jason Mraz concert on 6th of March in Java Jazz Festival 2009
it was soooo COOLL !! hahaha
never thought it's gonna be very FUN en very WOW !!
back home was like 23.35 WIB,,
i was too tired so i decided to go to sleep ASAP when i'm home

the next morning, i need to wake up early
cause i'll go for this PreCamp at 6am WIB
long journey to go made us to be there at the place
there was just Bu Jo who have been there b4 us
then after all the new leaders came over to the camp,,
we started our Leaders' Training with Bu Yaya
although i'm not allowed to be a leader yet, but i learnt many things from it
and i meet new friends between the leaders there hehe
but the thing is i need to have more energy as the seminar participant
cause they just served me as a leader to help all the staffs
the camp was start en we joined with them to play
so wat did i do in that camp?
first day, we tried to control the kids in the games
we tried to have fun with them
we tried to know them and make them comfortable to be at the camp
and the special jobs for all the leaders and seminar participants,,
we had an evaluation at NIGHT and breafing for the next day

this the 2nd day which also mean as the last day
sad to hear about it,, but happy also to hear about it
cause i can do my own 'hibernation' hahahahaha lol
back to the topic ~
2nd day started with breakfast, games, packing, games, evaluation, en done !
okeii let me tell you wat i've done there
cause of i'm old enough between the participants,,
they chose me to be a leader of the team
umm i have a mini group consist of 8 people (include me)
we need to do the games, found the clue and the answers
for myself,, this is my 1st time to lead a mini group in cisv
wat shud i do are :
1. i need to make them comfortable with this new group
2. i need to lead them as a group
3. i need to communicate with them
for no.3, i do need bravery to speak out first with them
like 'perkenalan' en questions or many other things..
how was my group,, first of all we didn't know each other yet
then i tried to know each other by saying their own name
and the game was finally start !!

in indonesian dehh..
ptama2 seh ya gitulah masih pd males2an, aplg blom kenal
tp stelah bbrp pos qta lewatin dan gw usahain bwat mrk nyatu
akhirnya berhasil dan mrk malah saling bantu en lari2 donk
otomatis gw harus kasi smangad dgn ikut lari2 hihihi
yaa ada bbrp yg ga mau ikut lari2 ptama2nya
just like they didn't enjoy the game..
it was fun en i wass soooo happy cause at the end,
mreka respect sama gw en jadi mudah bwad duduk per klompok
mreka juga jadi nyariin gw stelah games slese..
first experiences with many happy things i've got with them ~
qta 1 klompok bs dqet kya gitu cm hanya dlm waktu 3-4 jam..
hebadnya CISV !! Proud to be 1 of de CISVers..

well guys,,
there were just a short sharing from me bout my happiness
my happiness to be a new 'leader' in a small group :)
thanks guys !!

buat gw, CISV adlh tmpat gw blajar byk hal en bs ngembangin otak gw hihi ~
oh aniwai, i had a freakin weird en bad dreams on sat nites :(

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