Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bestevenn = Soulmate = Sahabat

apa arti seorang sahabat ??

Dea :
"orang yg bisa nerima kita apa adanya , bisa dipercaya n percaya ma kita"

Rbeq :
"sahabat orang yang ada disamping lo baik sedih maupun senang & have time to spend together"

MJ :
"teman curhat yg baik"

Hunnie :
"org yang mau jujur sama kita apa adanya"

Subi :
"org yg paling ngerti kita n slalu bs membuat kita mjd org yg pribadinya lebih baik"

Devy :
"yang taw segalanya tentang gue seluk beluk sampe sedalam dalamnya"

Robby :
"someone to rely on"

Pepen :
"a friend that u still feel comfy with them, even though u haven't met them for years"

Rocio (Spain) :
"an important help and ears (this must be in both directions)"

Edo :
"orang yg care ama kita yg bisa ngomong baik en buruk nya kita, kalau kita salah en berbuat salah dia akan menjadi orang pertama yg ngasih tau kita & org yg ada sama kita waktu seneng ato susah"

Odie :
"someone who i can trust and trusts me back & wants what's the best for both of us"

Tonis (Norway) :

"a best friend is a person who see you when you are down, who see you when you're happy. A person you can say everything to.. A pers. that is happy for you when you do well, and who can tell you honestly (and in a good way) if you are doing something wrong.. It's a patient person, who support, comfort, faithful, and who you can trust.. And a person who loves you for who you are, and accepts it.."

Gun2 :
"org yg bs berbagi kesenangan dan kesedihan & org yang bs kita ajak asik2an"

Abraham [ Bra ] :

"sesuatu yang diberikan Tuhan untuk menemani kita, di segala keadaan & sahabat sejati itu setia"

Ria :
"seseorg yang ngerti gimana keadaan lu kapan pun"

well ..
thats all wat my friends said to me in their opinion
i think, all of the answers are really great and i really agree with that !

laff u my bestevenn !

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