Friday, December 16, 2011


this is life. i really dont know how to write it all. but the thing is i feel very happy to know and have them with me now. they are different but they seems like more everything than those people who used to be my bestfriends. is it one of the factor?? i'm not mean. i just want to be honest to everyone around. i feel special to be with them, not those freakiess people. they accept me as who i am, they don't ignore me just because i'm different and get forced to be like them. I them much more than those freakiess though i'm not with them everytime.

two different problems with different time in a day. i'm pretty sad to hear these kind of problems. but i'm surely glad that they believe me to hear their story and be their "garbage". i am nothing, but they make me feel to be something precious. it is life. i should have be more mature and accept all the reality, either in good or bad condition. you are all really means a lot to me. too good too be true, i think you guys are much better than those freakiess.

yesterday was me and today was you. c'mon guys, let me cheer you up! you have been so nice to me and now is my turn. thanks for being my super friends! *meHEARTyou*

for those who don't really get along with them, please check and see the truth before you make fun of it. try to understand people not by looking them physically, but try to see their backgrounds and learn to be more emphatic to others. watch out!

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