Sunday, July 22, 2012

the reason why

special post and i won't write all in english.

pertama kali ditawarin buat spend my summer 2012 di London itu kurang lebih skitar 2-3 bulan yg or maybe more. awalnya sangat sangat amat seneng banget bakal liburan di London satu stenga bulan. it wasn't a big deal for me actually 'till the summercamp time. hemm awalnya gw berpikir yeaa lebih baik gw menjauh dari yg namanya jakarta dengan sgala permasalahan dan dari musuh-musuh aneh gw di kampus, plus juga menghindar dari yg namanya kesepian di liburan panjang. kenapa bgitu? satu, gw ga punya temen hengot dari kampus krn ya bgitulah emang gw ga cocok sama mreka. dua, temen2 skolah gw pun pada sibuk masing-masing dengan urusannya. tiga, gw blm prepare untuk magang or doing smth instead of diem di rumah membabi bgituh. so that's why gw akhirnya mutusin untuk brani ambil keputusan buat liburan kesini, London. karena gw spend satu stenga bulan dsini, jadi gw pun ga mau cuma luntang lantung with no activity while i'm here, jadilah gw ambil keputusan lain juga utk summer school di King's College London. 3 minggu udah cukup kok buat summer school. hopefully i could pass this and make myself proud with what i've done.

but suddenly, my excited feeling turns into a sad feeling to leave jakarta right after the summercamp. ga ada yg tau kalo trio gebleg ini akan sedeket ini. ga ada yg nyangka kalo gw sendiri akan spend banyak waktu buat ketawa hengot curhat crita menggila dan lain-lain sama duo gebleg lainnya, Ita & Albert. ga ada yg kebayang jugak kalo this friendship bakal sperti ini. di satu sisi, gw seneng banget bakal liburan ke London jalan-jalan and meet some new friends lagi just like CISV. tp di satu sisi lagi, gw lebih seneeenngg lagi karena gw bisa kenal dua makhluk sarap nan gebleg ini dan bisa bareng makin deket gara-gara summercamp. spent time together with stories and laugh, even until the day before i left jakarta. to good to be true, ini bikin gw jadi berat banget buat ninggalin jakarta dan berat banget juga buat ninggalin temen-temen tercintah gw. i miss them so bad and i don't know how to express this feeling anymore. i said to them so many times, but all i want to do is hugging them tightly which is so impossible.

semua perkiraan gw serba kebalik. awalnya takut liburan di jakarta ga jelas mau ngapain dan sama siapa, malah dikasi trio gebleg yg super gila, ditambah sama cecurut-cecurut summercamp lainnya yg lebih gila lagi. entah kenapa ini blom terasa gitu nyaman aja di London, masih sangat kepikiran kangen temen-temen di jakarta especially trio gebleg and the summercamp genk. mau lagi jalan-jalan ke tempat menarik asik keren dan ajib pun tetep aja otak masih ngebayangin andaikan gw bisa jalanin ini smua bareng mereka2 itu. rasanya tuh belom lepas untuk bisa enjoy my days here. i just feel like my soul is not here yet. semoga snen nanti semua bisa lancar di hari pertama summer school di King's College London dan gw bisa dapetin temen-temen gw sndiri tanpa harus mereka underestimate my stupid english.

at the end, i would like to say I STILL MISS BOTH OF YOU, MY SUPER CRAZY GEBLEG FRIENDS! hahahahaha just like what i've said above, i still can't forget every moment we've spent together and still wondering if only we were here spent our days together (in London)

love. smile. friendship. and laugh.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo *smooch*
Ichitaa :)

London. July 21, 2012

Indonesia. 5.07am July 22nd
UK. 11.07am July 21st

and here comes the time i start writing about my trip today. i started my day with a huge energy to open my eyes and 'turn on' my brain for the whole day. we had brunch and then we were off to the oxford street. actully i wasn't in the good mood for shopping but yesss i have no choice to do instead of staying at home only. while we were there in Oxford Street, we met my sister's best friend and we're back to do shopping again! hahahahahahaa well we were really in a rush to watch "The Dark Knight Rises", so we didn't have too much time for shopping today. after it's all done, we had dinner together at the burger house before we finally got back home.

yeaa that's for today. just it. nothing special. with badmood in a while and the film helps me out, really. haha.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

London. July 20, 2012

Indonesia - 3.23am Sat. July 21
UK - 9.23pm Fri. July 20

i guess this blog will be updated while i'm here in London. too many spare time that idk what to do except of shared all the things happen to me recently, before having my summer school on monday. well it's not a big deal though. i just need someone to share besides the member of my family and for me, this blog is the right place to share everything. from now on, i'll try to write all in english though i know my english is totally not perfect hahaha hopefully everyone who read this could still understand what i meant to share about. :)

and yeap, i start my day with chatting with Albert and Ita (as usual) before i had my cereal as my breakfast this (not so) morning. done with all our preparation, we were gone to the museum and the library. my sister dropped me to the British Museum, then she went to the library to fix all the needs that should be done by today. one word for the museum : 'WOW!!!' i am impressed with the things inside the museum. seriously, i feel amazed while i was there! it's a huge museum, so i just got some part of it with the rest of my energy hahaha it's tiring. the time is up and we're having another schedule to meet my sister's friend. well yea, i didn't get along with her too much. but after it, it's time for me to have my own trip again in London. my sister brought me to the cinema where i could watch while she's watching the classical concert. before the film started, we went to the m&m's huge and extra unique nearby the cinema. it was soooooo coolll and awesome! hahaha it's just soo cute to be there, aww! lovely! :* oh well, i went back to the cinema and have my own private time watching Magic Mike alone which is super interesting film hahahahaha. the film is over and i need to go back home all by myself. yesss it was my first time to use tube just by myself with no one in London and i successfully did it! *proud of myself* ohh and at last, i had a nice talking with my sister's flatmate haha she was pretty amazed with my american accent and the way i talk, the way i smile, the way i think, and the way how i look (asian kid). ohmy, you make me miss the moment in my CISV life, dude! really!

finally, i would like to say I STILL MISS YOU, TRIO GEBLEG! to be honest, i'm always wondering all the time we've spent together with laugh and laugh and laugh again. i feel like i want to be there with you guys spend my days together. well yesss I MISS YOU, BOTH! *smooch* kisses and hugs from London, thanks again for everything! have a super nice weekend in bandung yah! ;)


Friday, July 20, 2012

trio gebleg

berawal dari persiapan GKI Summer Camp 2012 yang super gila tiada batas. kumpul bareng, kerja bareng, ketawa bareng, ngakak bareng, stress bareng, pusing bareng, kesel bareng, nangis bareng, dan akhirnya tersenyum bareng juga. banyak proses yg memang tidak singkat udah kita lalui bersama. rajin ketemu buat rapat dan nginep bareng or even just have an intense meeting membuat kita smakin percaya antar satu sama yg lain. percaya dsini ga cuma skedar percaya tapi juga percaya dalam hal mau berbagi untuk saling membantu kesibukan yg lain di kepanitiaan GKI Summer Camp 2012 ini.

saatnya pun tiba ketika kita akhirnya harus berjuang dan bertempur langsung ke 'medan perang'. perjalanan yg tidak singkat dan penuh dengan kerja keras membuat kita smua harus memberikan effort lebih utk bisa ngelewatin hari persiapan itu. rasa kekeluargaan diantara trio gebleg blum terlalu terasa, mungkin baru gw dan Yunita Swasti yg udah mulai berasa deket, ditambah lagi dengan adanya Kesthi Grikanandini yg juga panitia lama tp udah lama ga ketemu. Malam pun tiba dan akhirnya karena kterbatasan tenaga, Albert Adryanto pun akhirnya tidur bareng kita di kamar sementara panit cewek. Esok pun datang dan yakk camp pun dimulai. di awal camp, setiap tanggung jawab utk kita terasa sedikit berat karena kita sbg panitia belum menyatu dan itu teruuuss berlanjut sampe hari kedua. ditambah lagi ksibukan luar biasa di hari ketiga utk mempersiapkan semua-muanya. dari sinilah awal mula trio gebleg mulai menyatu dan saling peduli antar satu dengan yang lainnya.

kami sbg trio gebleg memang tidak sengaja dipertemukan berkat GKI Summer Camp 2012. banyak hal yg udah kita jalani bareng slain yg tadi udah disebutin; dari sharing bareng, capek bareng, curhat bareng, ktawa bareng, bcanda bareng, sampe sedih bareng pun udah kita lewatin. stress bersama juga pastinya udah kita lewatin dan itulah yg jadi puncak kebersamaan kita utk bisa saling nguatin masing-masing. "percaya" menjadi satu nilai penting buat gw pribadi untuk kita bisa saling mengenal dan dikenal sampe akhirnya kita bisa deket seperti ini.

ada banyak moment di antara kita bertiga yg gw rasain sbg suatu kebanggaan hati bisa memiliki mereka di kehidupan gw. ada saatnya waktu gw lagi pusing persiapan utk House of Feelings, Albert tiba-tiba dateng dan langsung nanyain butuh apa aja utk persiapan itu dgn kondisi dia lagi super capek dan masih harus urus cooking. i really appreciate what you've done to me :) selain itu ada juga moment ketika gw minta bantuan Ita utk House of Feelings itu dan sebaliknya waktu kita urus SummerCamp Race. puncaknya lagi itu waktu di akhir House of Feelings ketika gw ajak Ita utk nemenin ambil barang-barang di tenda utama. terlalu banyak hal yg terjadi malam itu dan membuat kita sedih serta tertekan. 'hujan' pun turun tanpa disengaja oleh Ita dan setelah semuanya selesai, lanjut lah si 'hujan' itu juga menular ke saia. daann malam itu pun, ehh pagi deng, akhirnya selesai dan semua panitia pun tidur dengan kegalauan masing-masing, terutama gw dan Ita. yahh itulah kami. bersih2 dengan sekuat tenaga mengawali hari kami yg cukup melelahkan itu. yakk kebersamaan kami teruuuss terjalin smakin dekat setelah kami spend waktu bersama dari sbelum camp ini dimulai. di hari terakhir saat gw harus pulang lebih awal, jujur sangaaaaattt berat gw buat ninggalin semuanya itu, ditambah lagi gw nyari Ita tp ga ketemu karena gw mau say goodbye to her before i left the campsite. sedi banget? iya pasti! sampe gw akhirnya mewek waktu udah final gw say goodbye sama Ocep dan ada Kesthi di situ krn uda hopeless ga akan ktemu Ita utk say goodbye. but suddenly, there comes a sound of Ita's voice and she showed up her face in the middle of her discussion group. i felt like: 'WHOOOAA!! finally you came!' dan gw pun hampir mewek. after it, sinetron pun dimulai dan gw mulai pelokan sama Ita ga lepas2 sampe 20 menit ada kali. bahkan kita pundah tempat buat foto pun teteup aja ga lepas pelukannya. ahh i super love that momentt!

the camp is over but our friendship is not over yet. mgg UAS pun dimulai dengan sgala gundah gulana karena kangen kumpul sama trio gebleg ini. di minggu UAS itu pun akhirnya gw ktemuan teruuusss sama trio gebleg sampe bener2 ga bisa lepas. bahkan sampe seminggu setelah itu which is beberapa hari sbelum kepergian gw. oh meeennn, berat banget rasanya ga bareng sama mreka, kumpul gila-gilaan, cengengesan, curhat, bahkan sampe diajarin sama Ita untuk UAS. tibalah gw harus pergi ke London. mungkin karena super capek dan ga mood juga, jadi waktu farewell ga terlalu sedih gmana wpun udah hampir mewek. di pesawat, karena kondisi udah sendiri, capek, ga ada yg bisa diajak ngobrol, ga ada temen, ga bisa kontek mreka, gw pun sediiiihh banget rasanya dan meweklah saia di pesawat :( ohwell, kehidupan nyata di London pun akhirnya dijalani dgn beda waktu yg lumayan which is 6 jam. kontek yg agak ribet dan timing yg selalu gak tepat. wpun bgitu akhirnya hari ini (July 19, 2012) trio gebleg bisa aja punya waktu buat skype bareng, yey! i super ultra miss you both like crazy! kangeeeennn paraaahh pengen kumpul, pengen peluk, pengen ktawa bareng, pengen gandeng, pengen semua deeehhh pokoknya! mwah mwah mwaahhh :* :* :* :*

i am super blessed to get to know both of you and be part of our craziness.
with my deepest love, i send this special heart to my dearest best friends.

Nathania Yunita Albert - trio gebleg

Monday, April 9, 2012

Smile on My Face

What’s the use of fight for something that’s not worth it???
There are still thousands of people who would like to accept you in the way you are.

That’s actually my best quote of the day from my friend. J
Banyak banget hal yg bikin gw tersenyum hari ini wpun masih ada hal2 kecil yg gak gw harapin itu terjadi. Ohh well, don’t expect to much deh kalo ke mereka hahaha bukannya jahat tapi i’ve been trying so hard but i never get their positive response. Bahkan mungkin mereka cenderung gak peduli dan anggap gw ada. Ok then, i thing it’s more than enough gw slalu ngomongin ‘the useless friend’. Now, let’s move on to the things that make me ‘smile’ for today.. J

Last night, yeaa last night. Skype bareng ms.D bahas MIS case itu seneng banget lohh. Kangen juga ngobrol & bergosip berduaan malem2 hahaha. Di tengah bahas MIS case, tiba2 Metro TV yang lagi tayangin “Delux Symphony” mainin lagu ‘Melati Suci’. Ohh maaaiiii, a day before itu udah sempet GALAU TOTAL sama ms.A daannn tiba2 lagu ini muncul aja gituuhh. L Akhirnya gw langsung bbm ms.A dan nyuruh dia ntn jugak. Akhirnya kita pun kembali galau krn kangen nyanyi, kangen padus, kangen suara dahsyatnya mr.T dan kangen diocehin waktu latian, huaaaa!!! Lagu ini pun selesai, dilanjutin sama lagu2 Disney. Aaaaaaa!!! Bukannya bikin seneng kok ya malah makin galau lagi. L Makin kangen nyanyi kalo gini caranya yaowooohh!!! Kangen jugaakk masa2 waktu masih ada mr.N yg suka banget mainin lagu2 Disney begini, hiks. Conclusion of this section sebenernya satu sih, G A L A U ! L Wpun gitu, skype with ms.D and galau chatting with ms.A itu bener2 bikin seneng lohh! Ditambah lagi lanjutan obrolan galau pagi ini sama ms.A hahaha. K a c a u A h h . . !

Baru aja sampe di kampus dan gw langsung ktemu sama ms.R. Bukan maksud gw seneng sama apa yg udah kejadian, but i’m pretty happy for our friendship. Sebulan bareng ditambah sharing bareng rame2 sama yg lain bikin gw merasa ada lagi teman2 baru yg ada di sekitar gw dan mau trima gw apa adanya. Yeaa it’s what we called a true friend! That’s why i gave her my warm hug waktu ketemu itu tadi. Entah kenapa, gw beneran ikut sedih lohh sama kejadian itu. L Mungkin karena banyak cerita tentang ‘dia’ kali ya selama kita sharing rame2. Be brave, girl! J

Hemm.. i’ve just realized how friendship works in differences. It’s super true kalo gw udah lama di CISV dan ikut berbagai international camps since 2002. Tapi kok rasanya susah banget ya diterapin di kehidupan sebenernya?? Ahh sudahlah, itu cuma perjalanan hidup yg ga akan pernah mulus or even lurus. Back to the story, waktu istirahat pun akhirnya gw ke PM Store buat jajan kopi & ajak ms.M buat jajan bareng. Sambil jalan bareng itu gw akhirnya cerita lagi tentang masalah ituh dan ternyata bener ajah kalo ekspresi / responnya sama keq yg lainnya. She was shocked by the way. Haha i have no more comment for that kind of problem. I feel very happy kalo ternyata semua yg gw lakuin emang udah bener kok. J

At last i would like to thanks for our friendship ya ms.R, ms.M, ms.D, ms.A, dan yg laennya. J
Like what i’ve said in my previous blog:


Saturday, April 7, 2012


idk how to start it.                                           #nowplaying  I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz

hard to explain my REAL feeling now. mungkin ini yg jadi alesan knp akhirnya i'm back to write on this blog. i don't want to have this feeling but it always comes up on my mind like everyday and everytime i'm alone. pikiran lari kemana2 dan tetep aja ujung2nya ya ksitu lagi.

feel lonely. jealous. revenge.

first of all, let's start from feel lonely.
i am here alone in my room dan cuma ada laptop (include internet) ditemenin sama TV yg acaranya itu2 aja diulang berkali2. it's April already. means udah satu bulan gw lewatin hari2 gw di Jakarta setelah sebulan di Cianjur. too good to be true, i miss my life in Cianjur so f*ckin' much! live with new friends. see them everytime and everyday. have a stupid little chit-chat. have a deep sharing sometimes. and there are still many more that i can't express it in words. ohh gosh, how i feel lonely to be in my room alone and just be with my crazy gadgets which i don't really like with this kind of life style. what else i could do?? hangout with friends?! they have their own schedule. go to the mall?! i hate crowded mall. karaoke?! am i a stupid little kid who do the karaoke thingy alone???? OHH GEEESSSHH!!!! i'm stuck in my own world.
i miss living together with friends and have an intense and deep conversations
with them as well! i miss CISV. i miss Comdev. ohh i miss it so much!!

ok. let's move on to jealous.
i'm sorry but i can't share this thing on this blog. eventho' it's my own blog, but i just want to keep it secret.

and last, revenge.
i know, seharusnya gw ga bole bgini. but it's always stuck in my head. gw bener2 ga ngerti sama orang-orang itu. gw pikir satu makhluk ini beda sama mreka, tp ternyata??? sama aja akutnya. ga bisa lebih heran lagi dr ini. sorry, but just because of this problem, i can't RESPECT to you all anymore. gw udah ilang kepercayaan or even sakit hati dengan perlakuan sperti itu. gw ga gila hormat, tp gw cuma butuh your EMPATHY to others. DO YOU REALLY HAVE IT IN YOUR DEEPEST HEART???? i don't thing you have it, cause you've shown me all of those things. sorry tapi lu udah kecewain gw sangat amat di saat gw lagi brusaha percaya dan kembali RESPECT sama lo smua. gw yakin kalo suatu saat, apa yg udah lo lakuin ke org lain itu akan berbalik lagi ke lo. - yeaa, sh*t happens! eat that sh*t! -
my super big thanks to you who really care to me, wpun sbelum i didn't expect kalo justru kalian yg akan RESPECT ke gw. and sorry for you you you and you yang bener2 udah bikin gw hilang kepercayaan buat pertahanin pertemanan ini.
i better find someone else who cares to me than i have to fight to be your friend,
tapi kalian gak pernah anggap gw ada.


cheers. GodBless.                                                                                      In communion,

Friday, December 16, 2011


this is life. i really dont know how to write it all. but the thing is i feel very happy to know and have them with me now. they are different but they seems like more everything than those people who used to be my bestfriends. is it one of the factor?? i'm not mean. i just want to be honest to everyone around. i feel special to be with them, not those freakiess people. they accept me as who i am, they don't ignore me just because i'm different and get forced to be like them. I them much more than those freakiess though i'm not with them everytime.

two different problems with different time in a day. i'm pretty sad to hear these kind of problems. but i'm surely glad that they believe me to hear their story and be their "garbage". i am nothing, but they make me feel to be something precious. it is life. i should have be more mature and accept all the reality, either in good or bad condition. you are all really means a lot to me. too good too be true, i think you guys are much better than those freakiess.

yesterday was me and today was you. c'mon guys, let me cheer you up! you have been so nice to me and now is my turn. thanks for being my super friends! *meHEARTyou*

for those who don't really get along with them, please check and see the truth before you make fun of it. try to understand people not by looking them physically, but try to see their backgrounds and learn to be more emphatic to others. watch out!